I don’t know about you, but I’ve clocked quite a few hours over the years firing flightless birds at green piggies, in an attempt to conquer the addictive and massively popular mobile game that is Angry Birds. So imagine my joy when Rovio, the creators of Angry Birds, asked us to pitch the release of the game's long-anticipated sequel and recruit players.
The campaign launch is led by a 60”, fun, over-the-top live-action film set on Piggy Island. The film transports viewers to a luxurious and delightfully surreal paradise, where happy pigs frolic in the sunshine and swim in crystal clear waters. But Piggy Island is soon revealed to be the setting of an attack by a furious squad of Angry Birds, who have been plotting to take their revenge on their arch enemy, the sneaky, flightless egg-thieving creatures who share the island with them.

Shot by the director François Rousselet in the lush real-life surroundings of Pig Island, also known as the “Home of the Swimming Pigs” in the Bahamas, the film imagines a real-world adaptation of the game’s narrative, weaving fantastic imagery into the familiar world of Angry Birds.
On Instagram, a "smug pigs of Instagram" account (and play on the famously gauche ‘Rich Kids of Instagram’ account) gives fans a taste of what life is like for the lucky pigs living the good life on Piggy Island.
Poster commissioned by prominent online artist Paul Shipper.
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